Presentations, Consultations and Teaching
In addition to my clinical practice, I develop classes and presentations on a wide variety of psychological topics. Please contact me to discuss your needs as I am happy to develop tailored curriculum and talks. I may be reached at 415-812-3115 or
Selected Presentations, Teachings and Consultations
Earls, Margaret (July 2017) Introduction to Analytic Thinking About Couples' Work. Taught two-hour class to cohort of Masters and Doctoral Level Trainees for non-profit counseling center Queer LifeSpace.
Earls, Margaret (April 2017) Invited Panelist at Maternal Mental Health Panel. Presentation to 45 members of the Junior League of San Francisco
Earls, Margaret (Sept 2016) Maternal Mental Health Conference I was a headliner keynote speaker at this first annual UCSF-Stanford joint conference on Maternal Mental Health. Program Overview here.
Earls, Margaret (monthly from Apr 2015 through Oct 2016) Transitions To Parenthood: Happy Partners, Happy Parents. I taught this monthly class through Newborn Connections at CPMC
Earls, Margaret (March 2016). Introduction to Analytic Thinking About Couples' Work. Taught two-hour class to cohort of Master's and Doctoral Level Trainees for non-profit counseling center - Queer LifeSpace.
Earls, Margaret. (February 2016) NPR panel expert on National Task Force Promotes Screening for Depression Among Pregnant Women. Audio recording from NPR discussion on station KQED.
Earls, Margaret and Fraga, Juli. (May 2015) Integrating Women's Health Care for Maternal Mental Health. Published in Psychology Todayand in the Huffington Post
Earls, Margaret (April 2015). American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting of Division 39. Invited Panelist: Mothering the Mother: Encounters with the Real and Ideal. Paper: Institutional Programming for New Mothers: When the 'Idealized Mother' Collapses the Space for Women's Real Needs.
Earls, Margaret (April 2015). Introduction to Analytic Thinking About Couples' Work. Taught two-hour class to cohort of Master's and Doctoral Level Trainees for non-profit counseling center - Queer LifeSpace.
Earls, Margaret (April 2015) Differentiating Between the Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression. Presentation to 30 members of the Junior League of San Francisco
Earls, Margaret (February 2015) Differentiating Between the Baby Blues and Perinatal Mood Disorders: How to Recognize and Refer.Presentation to 50 Labor and Delivery Nurses at California Pacific Medical Center
Earls, Margaret (2014). Introduction to Analytic Thinking About Couples' Work. Taught two-hour class to cohort of Master's and Doctoral Level Trainees for non-profit counseling center - Queer LifeSpace.
Earls, Margaret (2014, May 5-6) Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Same-Sex Couples: Special Considerations for the Queer Postpartum. Break-out workshop for 45 attendees at the state-wide Maternal Wellness Conference in Sacramento.
Earls, Margaret (2014, April) Expert Panel Member- "Emerging Issues in Maternal Mental Health Roundtable" - Junior League of San Francisco. Approximately 50 attendees.
November 2013: Appointed Chair, CPMC Postpartum Depression Task Force, a multidisciplinary working group
Earls, Margaret (October 2013) Differentiating Between the Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression. Presentation to 30 members of the Junior League of San Francisco
Earls, Margaret (2013, October) Perinatal Mood Struggles: From the Baby Blues to Postpartum Depression- When and How to Seek Help.An hour presentation to approximately 50 expectant mothers at the Junior League of San Francisco Headquarters, San Francisco, CA.
Earls, Margaret (2013, September) Crisis Assessment and Intervention. Taught two-hour class to cohort of Master's and Doctoral Level Trainees for non-profit counseling center - Queer LifeSpace.
Earls, Margaret (2013, June) The Perinatal Care Program: Providing a Mental Health Safety Net for Perinatal Women and Their Partners Throughout the Hospital Via Our Triage Line and Clinical Offerings. Presentation to approximately 75 pediatricians at CPMC's Department of Pediatrics Business Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Earls, Margaret (2012, March) The Perinatal Care Program: Providing a Mental Health Safety Net for Perinatal Women and Their Partners Throughout the Hospital Via Our Triage Line and Clinical Offerings. Presentation to approximately 100 physicians at CPMC Department of OB/GYN Business Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Earls, Margaret (2012, October) The Perinatal Care Program: Providing a Mental Health Safety Net for Perinatal Women and Their Partners Throughout the Hospital Via Our Triage Line and Clinical Offerings. Presentation to approximately 80 social workers at CPMC's Department of Social Work In-Service Training, San Francisco, CA.
Earls, Margaret (2012, February) The Necessity of Postpartum Screening and Recognition of Perinatal Mood Disorders by Pediatricians.Presentation at the CPMC Pediatric Department Business Meeting to approximately 100 Pediatricians.
Earls, Margaret (2010, June) What the DSM Has to Say About Diagnosing Psychosis and How We Can Think About It as Clinicians.Presentation for 40 students in Master's Level Class at California Institute for Integral Studies